Gape HUGE Summer Savings! Summer Youth Bus Passes only S10 Unlimited Rides for 2 months June 3 -July 26Pays for itself after 4 round trips! Ages 5-17 Pass valid fromm Beginning May 20th, Purchase Passes at: Lodi Transit Station (24 S. Sacramento St.) City of Lodi Finance Dept. (310 W. Elm St.) Does Not Include Dial-A-Ride. DON'T BE STUCK AT HOME... GET YOUR BUS PASS TODAY! Gape HUGE Summer Savings! Summer Youth Bus Passes only S10 Unlimited Rides for 2 months June 3 -July 26Pays for itself after 4 round trips! Ages 5-17 Pass valid fromm Beginning May 20th, Purchase Passes at: Lodi Transit Station (24 S. Sacramento St.) City of Lodi Finance Dept. (310 W. Elm St.) Does Not Include Dial-A-Ride. DON'T BE STUCK AT HOME... GET YOUR BUS PASS TODAY!