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    January 16, 2020
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rLOSS S HENT OONGA LOSE WEIGHT SEMINAR With HYPNOSIS! 100% WRITTEN GUARANTEE* That's Flgt No m how many dets you've ed or your pa epnences tryng to se weght THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT witho hg, ed stanaton Holiday Inn Express diotng or your money back Lodi Thurs. Jan. 30th 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM 1337 E. Kettieman Lane Regetator beg 30 neden prot ener CASH OEOK VISAMC AMEN How Does t Work? My program conbres hypro progmng qided vi imagy and other potd lectregen gred Tep olma unwarted oving et maler ponions eiminate uto day cutng binge incase mengy and mproveseep Whour method ot cncal horos you are e. IN CONTROL. You move hek, hoar and conoerrate wihout te ghtest tot Youl e foolingehed feelng good ONLY $49.99 WR Work For Me? The program desgred so you can lose 0 S0s or mom acy and soy s dgned to SEE RESULTS WITHIN DAYS. Even you hve ted every det thot ted and taled Thar's okay My quarartee s stand. Th Prvane certshave pad S275 oa program dosgred so you START o lote woght comfortabiy You LOSINO WEIGHT MMEDATELY can tenel now ton this gou and gan contol over your oting seminar lor ony se.9. Cash - WE GUARANTEE IT or your chocks & cndt conds acceptod money back Jon un and stan Brought to you ty Mark Patnck tong wogoday Markrck Centedpren Seminars & Asocates "Seminar Guarantee: Attend this program. the nd of tho program you munt be completely satitod Enot, I w give you a t rotund at seminars ondno watng O you may hae a rotund you don' koso he woght up to 1 yoar aher he soninor iofior t money back guarantoe for one manon ard ore reanon ontyI degnod hs lechnoog to wo just that simple Pn you ever wart torcement, you may atond any of our wgre on sominas FOR FREE - FOR LIFE. STOP SMOKING Seminar With Hypnosis! 100% WRITTEN GUARANTEE* That lght No mtr how many Imes you have trod in he past to stop smoking THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU ELIMNATE YOUR DESIRE TO SMOKE thout cavgwihout Holiday Inn Express intty wihout woght gn 1337 E. Kettieman Lane your morey back Lodi Thurs. Jan. 30th 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Regemtor tegs 0neuns pror te ema CASH CHEOK VISAVC AMEN How Does t Workt My proga combires hyprosis. pogramming quded v magory and cher Dowou echvooges egred a hetp omnate your unartod smoing cavegs and your o lor cigaes whe you dn co havea cockta whie dng whie on break or eon in the compory of other mokeni. Wn our method of dirc honoss you e IN CONTROL You move, A hear and concona withou Pe sightest efort Voul ove foolng ehed inggood ONLY $49.99 wa R Work For Me? My una methoda deged so you STOP SMOKING IMMEDIATELK woka very d in YOUR LIFE Even yo hae ved neytng under the sun and ted Thurs Prlecertshepat275chto ay Mgutesa. Te p ng comton ty You can progra desigred so ogaete tere row tor s goe so no konger get he bet ol y Ate progan an nd o how the Dower of horo can hep YOU cards acotd Broge to you b become aNON-SMOKER Centedyp torary se .Cachecssowat MirP eewsAotes "Seminar Guarantee: Aneno s pogam. By the end of my semrer you muat be completely sutded not. Iwil gve ou a full rofund at sominar's end - no waiting. O you may hove a hul refund up to r aer tesemirer. Iotor is money back guarirtee tor one ronon ndoneonorydesigned sop smokng tectroogy too S t simle Puseyou ever think abot moing agin youmuy dany Mark Pck stop fmokang SerFORrREE-FOR LIFE ovER So00 E ATTENDED OUR PROORAM TRYT ECAUSE T wORs rLOSS S HENT OONGA LOSE WEIGHT SEMINAR With HYPNOSIS! 100% WRITTEN GUARANTEE* That's Flgt No m how many dets you've ed or your pa epnences tryng to se weght THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT witho hg, ed stanaton Holiday Inn Express diotng or your money back Lodi Thurs. Jan. 30th 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM 1337 E. Kettieman Lane Regetator beg 30 neden prot ener CASH OEOK VISAMC AMEN How Does t Work? My program conbres hypro progmng qided vi imagy and other potd lectregen gred Tep olma unwarted oving et maler ponions eiminate uto day cutng binge incase mengy and mproveseep Whour method ot cncal horos you are e. IN CONTROL. You move hek, hoar and conoerrate wihout te ghtest tot Youl e foolingehed feelng good ONLY $49.99 WR Work For Me? The program desgred so you can lose 0 S0s or mom acy and soy s dgned to SEE RESULTS WITHIN DAYS. Even you hve ted every det thot ted and taled Thar's okay My quarartee s stand. Th Prvane certshave pad S275 oa program dosgred so you START o lote woght comfortabiy You LOSINO WEIGHT MMEDATELY can tenel now ton this gou and gan contol over your oting seminar lor ony se.9. Cash - WE GUARANTEE IT or your chocks & cndt conds acceptod money back Jon un and stan Brought to you ty Mark Patnck tong wogoday Markrck Centedpren Seminars & Asocates "Seminar Guarantee: Attend this program. the nd of tho program you munt be completely satitod Enot, I w give you a t rotund at seminars ondno watng O you may hae a rotund you don' koso he woght up to 1 yoar aher he soninor iofior t money back guarantoe for one manon ard ore reanon ontyI degnod hs lechnoog to wo just that simple Pn you ever wart torcement, you may atond any of our wgre on sominas FOR FREE - FOR LIFE. STOP SMOKING Seminar With Hypnosis! 100% WRITTEN GUARANTEE* That lght No mtr how many Imes you have trod in he past to stop smoking THIS PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU ELIMNATE YOUR DESIRE TO SMOKE thout cavgwihout Holiday Inn Express intty wihout woght gn 1337 E. Kettieman Lane your morey back Lodi Thurs. Jan. 30th 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Regemtor tegs 0neuns pror te ema CASH CHEOK VISAVC AMEN How Does t Workt My proga combires hyprosis. pogramming quded v magory and cher Dowou echvooges egred a hetp omnate your unartod smoing cavegs and your o lor cigaes whe you dn co havea cockta whie dng whie on break or eon in the compory of other mokeni. Wn our method of dirc honoss you e IN CONTROL You move, A hear and concona withou Pe sightest efort Voul ove foolng ehed inggood ONLY $49.99 wa R Work For Me? My una methoda deged so you STOP SMOKING IMMEDIATELK woka very d in YOUR LIFE Even yo hae ved neytng under the sun and ted Thurs Prlecertshepat275chto ay Mgutesa. Te p ng comton ty You can progra desigred so ogaete tere row tor s goe so no konger get he bet ol y Ate progan an nd o how the Dower of horo can hep YOU cards acotd Broge to you b become aNON-SMOKER Centedyp torary se .Cachecssowat MirP eewsAotes "Seminar Guarantee: Aneno s pogam. By the end of my semrer you muat be completely sutded not. Iwil gve ou a full rofund at sominar's end - no waiting. O you may hove a hul refund up to r aer tesemirer. Iotor is money back guarirtee tor one ronon ndoneonorydesigned sop smokng tectroogy too S t simle Puseyou ever think abot moing agin youmuy dany Mark Pck stop fmokang SerFORrREE-FOR LIFE ovER So00 E ATTENDED OUR PROORAM TRYT ECAUSE T wORs