AN IMPRESSIVE ARRAY OF PET FEED, PET SUPPLIES, A RANCH SUPPLY STORE, AND A TRENDING APPAREL STORE, ALL-IN-ONE! Offers a large variety of Dog And Cat Chews, Treats, Toys, Nutritional Supplements, Dishes, Storage Containers, Collars And Leashes. We have everything for your horse, birds, rabbits, and guinea pigs as well. Over 7000 square feet of product to choose from all the major brands of animal feeds and pet foods. Companies such as Purina, Nutrena, Elk Grove Milling, and Farmers. Lees Feed Phone: (209) 727-0131. Fax (209) 727-0233 & Western Store, Inc. 4110 Mother Lode Dr. I Shingle Springs, CA 95682 18503 N. Hwy. 88 I Lockeford, CA 95237 Also serving you in our Shingle Springs location -mm wars er HOOE . Phone: (530) 677.41 Fax: (530) 78783 missMe